Older work from 2002-2009

Please note: this page includes a Ruffle player for the old Flash files, but some of them like the peg board game are buggy and don't behave correctly.

Jump to: Flash, Graphics, Web

Flash design/development templates, GUI, and applications

  • Client: Karta Technologies Inc.
  • Date: 2009
This is a static image of a microscope flash template I created. The full version allows the user to drag the slide image around, either on the magnified area or on the slide map area, and the circle of view shrinks as you increase magnification. Other settings available are focus and brightness, which are simulated through bitmap filters in Flash. I wrote all of the code for this template, laid out and designed the user interface; a graphics designer provided the background image.

  • Client: Karta Technologies Inc.
  • Date: 2009
This is one of the more advanced Flash templates I created; it took a few weeks to get to a final version. It is a game show simulation in which you are a contestant and you are asked 13 questions at random from the board. This template is too complicated to explain in full here, but it was popular and it exceeded the expectations of everyone who saw it. I did all of the programming and UI design. A graphics designer made the background to my specifications. I also worked with some audio specialists to get the sounds needed, and then edited a few of the sound files myself to get the desired effect.

  • Client: Karta Technologies Inc.
  • Date: 2009
I developed this custom drag and drop Flash template (alpha version shown in development). The kit background image was provided and I did the programming and layout. The kit needed to contain 14 sets of items, the user had been told earlier in the lesson what those items were. When this page loads, the kit gets randomized, and three items are missing, and added to a pool of 7 drag items on the left. Four of those items are distractors mixed in at random, so it is impossible to tell where they are by position. In case the job-cards are not clear enough, there is additional tooltip descriptive text that appears when the icons are moused over. When the user fills the three missing spots the case gets checked. If all is correct they get positive feedback. If they have an incorrect selection it slides back to the left side along with incorrect feedback and a prompt to try again.

  • Client: Karta Technologies Inc.
  • Date: 2007
While learning Flash Actionscript 2.0 and moving more towards object oriented programming, we were tasked with creating some reusable external class files. I created this class which could be called to align objects in a similar method to the align tool found on Adobe's programs. Movieclips are aligned in a variety of positions, their locations randomized, and realigned. This is a looping demo.

  • Client: FPMI Training Services
  • Date: 2005
Here is an example of some vector airport maps I created for use in Flash-based applications. This is an animated collage of four airport maps to show the level of detail they contained.

  • Client: FPMI Training Services
  • Date: 2005
I wrote the mouse over/out actionscript behavior for this little menu with Flash. It was for the Combat Systems Officer Briefing Room Interactive application. The buttons would normally go to other pages upon click when it was part of the whole application, but for this demo the links are disabled.

  • Client: n/a (personal project)
  • Date: 2005
This Peg Board Game I created as a self-challenge. One time eating at Cracker Barrel with some friends we were playing with the triangle shaped Peg Board game that was on the table while waiting for food. At this point I was getting pretty good at Flash so I thought to myself, I can make this game in Flash. This game was created from scratch in my spare time and so it is a bit unpolished, but it is functional and impossible to cheat at; only valid peg jumps are allowed.

  • Client: SPI
  • Date: 2003
This is a course Flash template that I developed. I did not create this design, but I did improve it and add additional functionality. I created a masked image area in the upper left, scrollable caption text for the audio in the lower left, and also created the glossary and lesson menu (not shown).

  • Client: SPI
  • Date: 2003
This is a Flash course interface I designed and developed. I did the graphics, back end programming, the GUI, and the layout. Some of the menus and options were animated in the working version.

Graphic design work

  • Client: n/a (personal project)
  • Date: 2009
I had previous experience using 3D Studio Max versions 4 through 6. I wanted to experiment with a 3D program that was current (and free for personal use). After looking around a bit, I found Google Sketchup. I picked up how to use Sketchup quickly and created a model of my house from scratch to familiarize myself with it. The house model I created is shown in these two screen shots with the roof removed in the first image.

  • Client: Karta Technologies Inc.
  • Date: 2009
The department I was in at Karta was called Creative Development. They had a little contest to design a "CD" logo for the team. This was my work in progress as well as some ideas. This demonstrates some of my logo designs and illustrates my creative work in progress.

  • Client: FPMI Training Services
  • Date: 2005
Here are four examples of patches I made into a vector format. The project I was working on needed patches for the different squadrons put into the Flash application we had running for them. Since they did not have any vector images of these patches, I created these vectorized versions. Some of the source images were photos of the patches, while others were from lower quality images. These ended up looking great at any size we needed to show them.

  • Client: SPI
  • Date: 2003
This is an example of some art I created when we could not find the image requested in the ISD created storyboard. They wanted an image of a person who had collapsed from poisoning near some barrels. I used Poser to render a scene, then stylized it to fit the serious nature of the scenario described.

Web design/development pages and applications

  • Client: Decypher Technologies
  • Date: 2009
This is a custom touch screen keyboard interface layout created to the client's specifications. Only necessary keys were included and it was designed to fit in an 800 wide x 300 tall pixel area. It was created with Ext JS and custom graphics were created for the key markings. A static image is shown but the live version has a red tint to the key down states to match the client's color scheme.

  • Client: Acting Up Creative Drama Academy
  • Date: 2008
This is a website I created for Acting Up Creative Drama Academy. I designed the layout and also created a Flash banner which is a slideshow of some images of kids in the actual program. The Flash slideshow reads an XML file which is easily updated to change the images, and more can be added at any time. PHP, Flash, and CSS was used to create the website, with server-side include code to make the content updating easy for Acting Up who now make their own content updates.

  • Client: WoW Sparta Guild of Dragonmaw
  • Date: 2007
I created this site for a guild of an online game that I play. I worked with another designer who created some of the backgrounds, while I designed the layout, did the HTML code, the Flash animated banner, and buttons. The site has a forums, a PHP news posting program, a progression page, and a new member application form. At one time it had a PHP calendar, but it was retired after it was no longer needed (they made one available in-game).

  • Client: Brite Smiles Inc.
  • Date: 2005
This site was designed for Brite Smiles Inc., my father's dental office and company. He has since retired to part time work so the live version is no longer online. The site was kept basic, but the layout was clean and easy to use. I also designed the logo and did the photography of the office, as well as created some custom locator maps.

  • Client: Darkling Designs
  • Date: 2004
Darkling Designs wanted a basic website to help sell hand-made chainmail jewelry, so I helped design this basic site/store. It is no longer online but there is one static image of the front page available. It had a flash menu that panned left/right as it was moused over.

  • Client: Aveneaux Films
  • Date: 2002-2004
I created this site for avant-garde film company, Aveneaux Films. Although Aveneaux Films is no longer around, I do have a fully functional archived version available. I created everything on this site: graphics, intro, animation, layout, GUI, flash, code, etc. This was a period of experimentation and growth for me with Flash. Archived version available here: Aveneaux Films (Archived) (Opens in new window. Warning the intro screen's audio is a bit loud).

  • Client: n/a (Fan project for the band Arcturus)
  • Date: 2003
This was my first attempt at creating an all Flash website interface. I was a big fan of the band, but at this point in time the lyrics for this band's songs were very hard to find (some were in Norwegian and I had to talk to a translator to get the English versions). I took it upon myself to create a website to host my collection of their lyrics which I had gathered from collaboration with other fans, and some were obtained directly from emails with the artist. In time these lyrics appeared on several larger, well-known lyric sites, so I retired the site.

  • Client: University of Texas at San Antonio
  • Date: 2002
Shortly after graduating as an Art Major from this university I was hired to re-design the website for the Computer Science Department. The original site was in frames and lacked a good logo. The new site I created featured clean HTML, a DHTML pull down menu, improved graphics, a Flash title, an easy to read CSS style sheet, and a full graphics version and a text version, both working off one text file system. Due to the unusual range of operating systems and browsers used by the CS department at the time, I worked with a backend scripter to make the first page detect the OS and browser, and display different results accordingly so the pages would view correctly on all department computers. This page layout is several years old and so has been replaced but the archived image is a good representation of the work done.

  • Client: Datesports & InternetAccess Inc.
  • Date: 2002
The first paid web design work I did was for a small company called Datesports. They had me create members-only rebate and cash advance sites for payday loans. They also owned Lovenet Online, an online personals/dating site. I helped give it a new look. Furthermore I reduced the loading times by optimizing graphics, omitting redundant tables, converting in-line-styles to CSS, and removing other extraneous data from the .asp files.